10 days to go

Greetings to our wonderful Take the Nations friends and family!
There are only ten days left until our next Jesus Crusade in Delft, Cape Town, South Africa. The Lord is already moving powerfully in the community as our team has been working hard to mobilize the pastors and leaders in the region and to get the community ready for what the Lord wants to do. Leading up to the crusades, we always take hands with the local pastors in the region as well as attend the local church services to minister, train and equip, and to share about the upcoming crusade. We have already seen the hand of the Lord move in power during these church services and we know that the demonstration of power shall be seen at this Delft Jesus Crusade.

The community of Delft is desperate for the Kingdom of God to be established in the region. For so long we have heard only negative news coming from Delft, but we truly believe that God has sent us here for a purpose; to break to chains of darkness over this place and to set the captives free. Crime, murder, drugs, prostitution, alcoholism, poverty, all these things have been rife in the community. But the time for Jesus to step on the scene in Delft has come. When the light shines in the darkness, the darkness cannot comprehend or extinguish it. When we go into a region, such as Delft, we truly believe that we are bringing the light of Jesus to the place and the darkness cannot overtake it. It is time for Delft to experience Jesus in a new and powerful way.
If you would like to be part of what the Lord is doing in Delft, we want to give you the opportunity to sow in this mighty harvest of souls. We are trusting God to bring in thousands of people to hear and receive the Gospel of Jesus Christ over these four nights. To be part of this move of God, go to our website https://www.takethenations.com/giving/ or you can click on the button below to sow into souls. We want you to be part of this harvest!

We want to say a big thank you to all of you who are praying with us and standing with us to see God shake this nation. We truly believe that we are living in the greatest hour of harvest the Church has ever seen or experienced and we want you to be a part of this!
We love you all,
Daniel & Bea