4 weeks to go

We have been working hand-in-hand with the community of Delft and taking hands with the local pastors and leaders to mobilize them for the upcoming crusade. It has been such a humbling experience to witness the chairpersons and leaders of the Delft pastors fellowships gather together in one mind and one accord. The unity is already being formed and we are so excited to be working with the local churches. The enthusiasm from the pastors regarding this crusade testifies to what the Lord has already begun in Delft. Our hearts are burning for this nation and we are expectant to witness the outpouring of Holy Spirit in unprecedented ways.

One of our favourite parts of our Jesus Crusade publicity plan is going to the local schools in the community. Over the past few weeks, our team has had the opportunity to minister at the local schools in Delft. It has been such a powerful time as the learners listen intently and all responded with such enthusiasm to the Gospel of Jesus. Countless students raised their hands to receive Jesus and got to pray with our team to welcome the Holy Spirit into their lives. Over the next 4 weeks leading up to the Delft Jesus Crusade, we will be focusing on even more ministry at schools, churches, open air meetings, malls and taxi ranks. Delft for Jesus!
We want to give you the opportunity to sow into this great harvest in South Africa. We want to ask you to take hands with us so that we can take Delft for Jesus together. To be part of this move of God, go to our website https://www.takethenations.com/giving/ or you can click on the button below to sow into souls. We want you to be part of this harvest!
Thank you to every one of you who are praying and believing with us for a mighty harvest in Delft, South Africa! We know that this is truly a move of God and we are so excited to be part of what the Lord is doing in South Africa as well as the nations.
Yours in the harvest,
Daniel & Bea