Daniel & Bea du Toit

Take the Nations is all about souls! We believe that Jesus gave us the mandate to “go into all the world” more than 2000 years ago, and that is still our mandate today. The harvest is riper than ever before, and that is why we want to take the nations for Jesus.

Daniel & Bea du Toit

Take the Nations is all about souls! We believe that Jesus gave us the mandate to “go into all the world” more than 2000 years ago, and that is still our mandate today. The harvest is riper than ever before, and that is why we want to take the nations for Jesus.

Invite a Speaker

Invite a Speaker

We have a burning desire to take hands with pastors, churches and ministries that want to see God move in their cities and to bring a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit to their people. We truly believe that itinerant ministry is all about bringing revival to each and every place we go.

When we travel to minister, we never request a set fee. Our heart is to be a blessing wherever we go and so we will cover all the travel expenses necessary to come and minister. It is our greatest honour and privilege to come and serve your ministry as we trust the Lord to provide for all of our needs. Our only request and requirement is to have the freedom to take up our own offering during the meeting as the Holy Spirit leads. 

We ask that you take a moment and prayerfully consider having us come to your church.

Below, you will find a form to fill out as a formal invitation. This information helps us as we prayerfully consider the invitation and follow in accordance with scheduling and what the Lord is saying. 

Fill out this contact form with more information and we will get back to you as soon as possible. We are excited to partner with you on this coming event. Jesus will be lifted high!

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Follow us on our social media platforms to keep up to date on all our latest missions. Contact us if you have any questions or prayer requests.