Mthatha Jesus Crusade

What an amazing time we have had in the last month! These last 4 weeks, our team ministered in 15 different schools, held 21 church revival meetings, 4 open air crusades, and our Tent Crusade for 5 days! We spoke to a total of 24,000+ people where we saw a total of 8,497 decisions made for Christ. Many were healed, set free, and experienced a fresh touch from The Lord! It is incredible to see what God did, and we know Mthatha will never be the same!

Delft Jesus Crusade

"People were hungry and experienced the power and love of God, and many were set free from chains of darkness! This was just the beginning of what the Lord wanted to do at the crusade and He continued to pour out His Spirit over the following few nights."

Kayamandi Jesus Crusade

"As it says in Mark 16:20 “And they went out and preached everywhere, while the Lord worked with them and confirmed the message by accompanying signs.” God confirmed His Word during this crusade and we are so grateful for everything that He did over these three days."

Ng'ombe Jesus Crusade

"We saw thousands of people get saved, healed, and delivered as Jesus walked onto the field in Ng’ombe. The Holy Spirit was poured out on the hungry, broken and desperate, touching lives and healing hearts. People are hungry for a genuine move of God, and it is evident that God did something extremely special."

Chililabombwe Jesus Crusade

"The field was packed and people were sitting in trees and looking through holes in the surrounding fence to catch a glance of what the Lord was doing. What a powerful crusade by the grace of God! The team were in awe of what happens when you preach one message, Christ and Him crucified!"

Durban Jesus Crusade

"The Lord truly did a mighty and powerful work in Durban during our Jesus Crusade. We are so excited for what God did in the community and what a privilege it is to be part of what God is doing in the nation of South Africa. We witnessed many people give their lives to the Lord, alongside healings, miracles and powerful deliverances."

Mpatamatu Jesus Crusade

"Mpatamatu has never had a mass-crusade or event like this. We were here to break ground and to set the stage for what God wants to do in the region. Although we tend not to focus too much on the opposition, we knew we had entered tough ground, and we were ready to destroy the works of the enemy with the power of the Holy Spirit."

Kapiri Mposhi Jesus Crusade

"We saw the Blood of Jesus in action as once again the altars were packed with thousands of people coming to surrender their lives to Christ! People were set free, chains were broken, and bodies were healed. It was an incredible night as Jesus was lifted up over Kapiri Mposhi.

Kakamega Jesus Crusade

"As Daniel Du Toit ministered it started raining! It started raining out of nowhere. This was the first rain they had seen that year in this land. In Kenya, they call it a blessing when a visitor comes and it rains. So they all received Daniel as a blessing to the land.”

Mkushi Jesus Crusade

"We saw just over 12 000 documented decisions that were made for Christ over the 3 days, and we want to say thank you for sending us to this city of Mkushi! Mkushi truly is shaken, and now we press onto our next city in Kapiri Mposhi."

Kitwe Jesus Crusade

"The Night for the Jesus Crusade the crowd doubled in size. The news is clearly spreading that Jesus is moving powerfully as people are being touched, saved, healed, and delivered by the Lord Himself! "

How we conduct our Jesus Crusades?

Although our primary focus is to preach the Gospel and lead the masses to Christ, we believe that all evangelism must lead people into the local churches for discipleship. We believe that evangelism without discipleship is not real evangelism. This is why we work closely with the local churches for each crusade, ensuring that every new believer is followed up with and as a result, churches are being planted and new believers are flooding the local churches to be discipled after each crusade. This is why we also do a Pastor’s and Leaders Conference during our Crusades, so that when we are done with our Crusade, we leave the whole area in the best possible way. Completely reached with the Gospel, along with equipping all the Pastors and Leaders.

4 steps to make our Crusades happen

Each year we conduct several Gospel campaigns all around the world. In order to conduct these amount of large scale crusades, we use 4 steps to make sure our Crusades happen. This plan is used to organize the Jesus Crusades.

1. Pre-Crusade Planning

We organize every Gospel Crusade months in advance. With the help of local pastors, leaders and volunteers, a team is built to organize all aspects of the crusade including venue and equipment rental, staging, lighting, promotion, logistics, and local church mobilization.

2. Fundraising By Faith

To conduct these campaigns, we trust God to provide for everything. We are called to walk by faith and not by sight, and that is what we truly see. These Gospel Crusades can easily cost between $100,000-$150,000 USD and there is a strong possibility of seeing 100,000-400,000 people come to Christ in each crusade. That is $1.00 for each person that comes to christ. These crusades are not possible without our monthly partners and supporting churches. If you would like to partner with us, or even sponsor a whole crusade please click on the donate button below.

3. Gospel Message

Each crusade is conducted over several consecutive nights in a row. Daniel will preach a clear message of salvation by faith in Jesus Christ and what He has done for us on the cross. An altar call for salvation follows the preaching of the Gospel each night. We also will pray for the sick to be healed, and for the baptism of the Holy Spirit at each Jesus Crusade.

4. Follow-Up

We believe that all evangelism MUST lead the new believer into the local church to be discipled. At the end of each night, decision cards from each new believer are collected, which includes all their contact information. Following the crusade, these decision cards are distributed to the local churches near the homes of the new believers. The church will then follow-up with them to ensure that they are discipled. This is the same method that Evangelist Billy Graham have used for many years. This is also the same method that Evangelists Reinhard Bonnke and Daniel Kolenda use today and is by far the best method for ensuring that each new believer is ushered into a church and is discipled.

To help support these Jesus Crusades, click on the link below.

To help support these Jesus Crusades, click on the link below.