August Update – Revival is now

Revival is now!
Greetings to our friends and Take the Nations family! We want you to get excited and get ready because we can feel that God is busy doing something incredible in the nations. As we are travelling all throughout the nations of the world, the Lord is busy speaking to us and showing us what is about to unfold. This is the hour of the Church of Jesus Christ, the hour of the harvest and we want you to be part of the soul harvest that is coming in. Many people pray for revival to come, but one thing we have been experiencing is that REVIVAL IS HERE AND NOW. Everywhere we go, we can feel the Holy Spirit speaking to us that all He needs are yielded vessels willing to step out in faith and revival will follow. The Holy Spirit is hovering over the earth looking for men and women of faith who will take the Word of God and proclaim the Kingdom of God in boldness. We encourage you to step out in every sphere you find yourself, and watch God move, touch, and transform lives everywhere you go.
7 August 2022 | World Harvest Church, USA
On the 7th of August, Evangelist Daniel was invited to minister at World Harvest Church in Roswell, Georgia, USA. This was a powerful time in the presence of God, many lives were radically touched and transformed by Jesus. Daniel spoke from Hebrews 4:12 – “For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart.” The Word of God will pierce every heart! Our lives are meant to be based on the Word of God, so we can stand on His Word and believe everything He says to be true. God is not a man that should lie, His Word remains the same, all His promises are yes and amen. God does not take you down, He takes you from glory to glory, from victory to victory and from strength to strength. God is lifting us up out of our circumstances to live the overcoming life in Jesus Christ.
“If you can believe the Word of God for your life, you can live the victorious life you are called for.”
“Every day of your life you can have joy because the joy of the Lord is our strength!” (Nehemiah 8:10) It doesn’t always have to be a fight or a struggle, because the yoke of the Lord is easy, and His burden is light. We have to allow Him to fully saturate us, so that we can become that joy for those around us. Daniel encouraged the people to yield to the joy of the Lord to become strengthened to step out into what God has called us to do.
God is doing greater things than anything He has done in the 1700s, 1800s, or even the Great Awakening. What God is doing right now will overshadow anything He’s previously done because He is taking us from glory to glory. God is raising up men and women of God, young and old, and is looking for people who believe him and His Word. “And without faith it is impossible to please him, for whoever would draw near to God must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who seek him.” – Hebrews 11:6
“When we come to Him in faith, He will reward you!”
17 August 2022 | Truth Revival Church – Truth Talk
During the month of August, Daniel was invited to speak on Truth Talk, an online talk show with Pastor Robert Malone from Truth Revival Church in Switzerland. Daniel spoke on the importance of believing the Word of God, to not overcomplicate things, but to become like a child and to trust simply in the Word of God. Every thing that we need can be found in the Word, every promise from God is written in the Word, and when we read the Word, believe the Word and apply the Word in our lives, we see how God radically transforms our lives.
Daniel also addressed the difference between faith and feelings. We cannot always be led only by our feelings and emotions, its the truth that will set you free. “and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” – John 8:32. We have to come back to a place of the simplicity of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the way, the truth and the life. He is the one that will teach us all things, and His Word is truth.
“Faith focuses on the promises of God” – Daniel du Toit
In John 9:4 it says, “We must work the works of him who sent me while it is day; night is coming, when no one can work.” It is so important that we recognise times and seasons because it says in the Word that the night is coming, when no one can work. Daniel urged the viewers to step out and believe God because right now we are in that open door of opportunity; i.e. daytime. We can go almost anywhere in the world and preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Right now we have that opportunity, so step out of the boat and into what God has called you to do!
25-28th August 2022 | Ng’ombe Jesus Crusade
At the end of August, we had our most recent Jesus Crusade in Ng’ombe, Zambia. This crusade was marked by the outpouring of the Holy Spirit where we saw thousands surrender their lives to Jesus and many people healed and delivered by the power of God.
We will be sending out a comprehensive Newsletter with all the details from our Ng’ombe Jesus Crusade so keep an eye out if you want to know more about what God did in the region. We ask that you please continue praying for all those who attended the crusade and those who surrendered their lives to Jesus during the event.
Follow us and subscribe to our YouTube channel to keep up to date with all our missions, Jesus Crusades, international tours, revival meetings, and much more. Thank you for all your support and prayers! We are so grateful for each and every one of you.
The seed which you have sown determines the extent of your harvest. Sow into the historic harvest of souls and witness the hand of the Lord pour out such blessing that you will not have room enough to receive it. We declare that the windows of heaven are open over your lives and that your threshing floors will be full of grain in the mighty name of Jesus!
If you would like to take hands with us as we take nations for Jesus, you can do so below
We have so many plans for this next season and we can’t wait to share it all with you! Keep up to date with what we are doing because 2023 will be a year of mighty harvest and we know that many of you will have a greater opportunity to be part. Thank you for standing with us in prayer and we ask that you continue to cover us in prayer as we go after souls like never before.
Yours in the harvest,
Daniel & Bea
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