Jesus Campaign
Chililabombwe, Zambia
26-29 May 2022
Chililabombwe, Zambia, 26-29 May 2022
Jesus March & the Upcoming Campaign
A few hours before the first night of the Chililabombwe Jesus Campaign, the team joined our marching band, ushers and volunteers at the city hall to gather together for the Jesus march. This march marks the end of a determined publicity program by handing out flyers to every person we come across as we march from the city hall to the Campaign field. Everywhere the soles of our feet tread we claim ground for Jesus and begin sharing the gospel with everyone that comes across our path. As the news spreads to every home in the city, the atmosphere is charged with expectancy and hearts are prepared to receive the word of God. As a final touch in preparation for the Jesus Campaign, the District Commissioner and Mayor of Chililabombwe waved the Zambian flag before the team as a sign that they have given us approval to take the city for Jesus and are blessing the campaign.
After seeing the advertisement of the Jesus Campaign on thousands of flyers and posters as well as hearing about it through the publicity team, the people of Chililabombwe came to the first night of the Campaign hungry and thirsty for an encounter with Jesus that would change the course of their lives. Evangelist Daniel preached on John 14:6, which states that Jesus is the way, the truth and the life, and that no one comes to the Father except through Him! This set the stage for the following three nights and stirred an expectancy in the hearts of everyone present for a power packed Campaign. Due to it being the first night of the Campaign, the ground was prepared and the glory of the Lord covered the entire ground. There were people across the field and it was the biggest first night we have ever had! People flocked from all over to surrender their lives to Jesus. What a great opening night it was!
As a means of ensuring that the pastors and leaders we work with from Chililabombwe are capable of effectively discipling every convert from the Jesus Campaign, we meet with them on several occasions before the Campaign as well as hold a pastors and leadership summit in the mornings of the Campaign. In addition to being trained and equipped, the main objective of these meetings is to leave the pastors fellowship with a fresh fire shut up in their bones because the team leaves after the Campaign and the fire of the Holy Ghost is the only thing that will sustain them once we have left. Evangelist Daniel spoke on the blessing of the Lord and that our situation has no effect on our blessing when we understand the principles of the word of God. Daniel spoke on how the same power we received when the Holy Spirit fell upon us (Acts 1:8) is the same power we have been given to create wealth (Deuteronomy 8:18). He preached on Philippians 4:19 which states that “my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus” and from John 6 where 5 loaves and 2 fish were multiples to feed over 5 000 men and their wives and children. Evangelist Daniel was emphasizing the fact that we only need to give the Lord what we have and he multiply it and pour out such blessing that there would not be room enough to receive it. As long as we are obedient to the instructions of the Lord, as Elijah was when he was told to go to the brook Cherish, the Lord will send ravens and fish with coins in their mouthed to provide for us. The pastors and leadership summit was also special as we had our Campaign director, Apostle Deouse Chewe Kanyanta, also ministered for us on the first day. He ministered from the book of Genesis where the Lord states that we have been made according to His image and likeness. Therefore, we have been commissioned to be fruitful and multiply; to fill the earth and subdue it; to have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over every living thing that moves on the earth. However, we cannot be faithful leaders unless we have been set ablaze by the Holy Spirit and the word of God. The message was powerful and a new fire was rekindled in every person present!
Following the biggest first night we have ever had, we were astonished to see the crowd double in size by night two. Evangelist Daniel spoke on faith in God and it was amazing to see how the good news was received. He emphasized the fact that we do not have any problems, all we need is faith in God. According to Hebrews 11:6, God is pleased with faith and it is time we believe the word and let the word affect the world we live in. Now more than ever, we need men and women filled with faith in God being single-minded in pursuit of Him. The altars were packed with people all over to surrender their lives to Jesus Christ. Deliverance broke out and Jesus set His people free. Mighty miracles took place across the field and we were not even able to get through all the testimonies.
Day 2 of the pastors and leadership summit was nothing short of the glory of the Lord being poured out upon all that were present. This lead many to rededicate their lives to the preaching of the gospel and receive an encounter with the Lord as we went into a time of impartation. Evangelist Daniel spoke on Luke 3:16 as “John answered, saying to all, “I indeed baptize you with water; but One mightier than I is coming, whose sandal strap I am not worthy to loose. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire.” The fire of God is what launches people into their calling, breakthrough and blessing. One encounter with the power of the Holy Spirit is what purifies you until we only have one desire, to see the fulfillment of the great commission. Hundreds of pastors, elders, deacons, and even the ushers, came to the front to get touched by the fire of God. We believe that their lives were marked by this encounter with the Lord and that their lives will never be the same again! After such a successful pastors conference, we have no doubt that every person that gave their lives to the Lord will be in good hands as they grow from glory to glory, strength to strength and victory to victory in Jesus name! The ministers fellowship have encountered the Lord in a fresh way and we believe their ministry is going to a new level fueled by the love of God.
On the third night of the Jesus Campaign, Evangelist Daniel preached on the wonder working power in the blood of Jesus! As the word was received, thousands gave their lives to the Lord and miracles broke out through Chililabombwe. In the message Evangelist Daniel focused on the three main things which the blood of Jesus brings to every person as it cleanses us, makes us righteous and brings us face to face with God. Once again, the testimonies were to many to get through and those who were once far off were brought near to the Lord through the blood of Jesus. The blood of Jesus spoke 2 000 years ago and it speaks the same today! Curses, depression, poverty, prostitution, and witchcraft amongst many other things was broken off the people of Chililabombwe. As thousands gave their lives to the Lord, our follow up system was in full swing ensuring that we got the details of each person that gave their lives to the Lord. Although it was great to witness the biggest crowds we have ever seen in the ministry, we know that heaven rejoices for one soul that is saved, and we want to ensure the proper discipleship and mentoring of each individual.
Team Ministry
The morning before the final night of the Jesus Campaign, our Take The Nations team went to minister at the local churches in Chililabombwe and the surrounding region. On Sunday morning, 18 members of the team ministered what the Lord had placed on their hearts to the church they were assigned to. As this was the first time that most of the churches have had an international guest, the word was received well and after taking the step of faith, the team was grateful for the opportunity to preach. We are so incredibly proud and grateful for our Chililabombwe Jesus Campaign missions team. They were handpicked by the Lord and we thank them for saying “here I am Lord, use me.” As many stepped out, they experienced what is said in Jeremiah 1:7,
“But the Lord said to me: “Do not say, ‘I am a youth,’ For you shall go to all to whom I send you, And whatever I command you, you shall speak.”

NIGHT 4 | Final Night
In the fourth and final night of the Chililabombwe Jesus Campaign, Daniel du Toit spoke about the power of the Holy Ghost and the importance of being baptized in fire. This was the perfect way to end off a special campaign in Chililabombwe. As the name of Jesus was lifted over 55 000 people, they were all filled with Holy Spirit and the fire of God swept through the masses. The field was packed and people were sitting in trees and looking through holes in the surrounding fence to catch a glance of what the Lord was doing. What a powerful Campaign by the grace of God! The team were in awe of what happens when you preach one message, Christ and Him crucified! The fire of God is what launches people into their calling and burns out everything until all they are left with is Jesus. This left everyone with a knowing that only Jesus can satisfy the thirst we have. That one touch from the Lord will change everything. In the same way Saul of Tarsus was encountered and was changed to the great apostle Paul who wrote two thirds of the New Testament, and how Jacob received a touch when he wrestled with God. Daniel said that “God will touch you, and when He touches you, you can’t walk the same as you did before!” The final night of our Jesus Campaigns are always the largest. We saw the biggest crowd gather for the fourth night and we had an incredible count of over 40 000 souls saved for Jesus Christ. Every person that was saved is now in contact with the local churches and will be discipled by one of the 1200 pastors we worked with in Chililabombwe. In total, we saw more than 80,000 people reached with the Gospel during our Chililabombwe Jesus Campaign 2022. Hallelujah!

We know that as you sow into what we are doing, you, your family, business, and ministry will be richly blessed, because we are going after the harvest. Together, we are seeing Africa and the nations of the world come to Jesus!