Jesus Campaign
Durban, South Africa
3-13 March 2022
Durban, South Africa, 3-13 March 2022
11 Nights of Revival!
We just had the most incredible 11 nights of revival at our Durban Jesus Campaign 2022. During this time, we saw hundreds of people get saved, healed, and delivered as Jesus walked onto the field in Quarry Heights. Night after night we saw how the Holy Spirit was poured out on the hungry, broken and desperate, touching lives and healing hearts. People are hungry for a genuine move of God, and it is evident that God is on the move in South Africa.
Every night, Daniel preached the powerful Gospel of Jesus Christ, and we saw hundreds of people surrender their lives to Jesus. Daniel spoke about believers living an empowered and victorious life because of the finished work of the cross. When the Gospel is shared in its simplicity, that is when we see the people lay their lives down at the feet of Jesus. People are not looking for a complicated sermon, but a loving God who laid His life down for us.

On the fourth night of the Durban Jesus Campaign, Daniel shared from Mark 5 about the woman with the issue of blood. He spoke about when we come to Jesus in faith, that He will always meet us where we are at. Just like the woman who had this blood issue for 12 years, when she touched the hem of Jesus’ garment, she knew, by faith, that she would be made whole. Daniel preached about the necessity of hunger after God. That when we get hungry, when we get desperate for God to touch us, He will always satisfy the need of those who reach out in faith.
Hundreds of people responded to this powerful message and we saw many more give their lives to Jesus over the course of the following few days. We also saw that because of the hunger of the people, all those who needed physical healing in their bodies, when they stepped out in faith, they were made whole by the power of Jesus Christ.
Love in Action - with Bea du Toit
During the course of our Durban Jesus Campaign, Bea, as a registered dietician, was also busy with our humanitarian arm, ‘Love in Action’. In the day, leading up to the Campaign nights, Bea was busy in the local community providing nutritional health care screening, growth monitoring for babies and children, as well as general health promotion. We had an incredible time spending the afternoon with the children; playing games, drawing, having fun, as well as helping local mothers get the correct information they need to raise their children in a healthy way.
We are passionate about demonstrating the love of Jesus in communities by bringing them the Good News, in Word and in deed (Colossians 3:17). We aim to bring hope to peoples’ lives by means of feeding programmes, drilling of water holes, installation of water pumps, farming and skills development programmes. We want to bring a practical implementation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ by developing and training communities to become self-sustainable in all areas of living.
In 2022, we aim to expand our humanitarian arm, Love in Action, and make the change in the communities the Lord is leading us to. If you would like to support this vision, feel free to reach out to us if you can help us in any way possible.
We know that as you sow into what we are doing, you, your family, business, and ministry will be richly blessed, because we are going after the harvest. Together, we are seeing Africa and the nations of the world come to Jesus!