June Update

Greetings to all our wonderful friends and family! We thought it would be a good idea to give you all an update on what has been going on and how the Lord has been moving in the nations. 2022 has been an incredible year so far! We knew that this year we had to step out in greater ways and trust the Lord to go after the harvest like never before. We have seen how the faithfulness of God has carried us through and we cannot wait to share all that the Lord has been doing. Over the next few weeks we will be giving some more important updates on our newsletters, so keep an eye out for our emails to stay up to date with all things Take the Nations.
Uganda | 19-27 June 2022
After returning from our Jesus Crusade in Chililabombwe, Zambia, in the beginning of June, we felt that the Lord was expanding the ministry into various nations. We had the privilege of being invited to go to Kampala, Uganda to go and visit Pastor Robert Kayanja at the Miracle Centre. During this time, Daniel had the opportunity to preach at the Miracle Centre for 3 consecutive nights, which is also broadcasted on Channel 44, Miracle Television, the leading Christian television channel in Sub-Saharan Africa. Daniel was able to minister the Word of God during these 3 nights and we saw countless people surrender their lives to Jesus each night. This was a powerful time where many lives were touched by the presence of God.
On Friday, the 24th of June, Evangelist Daniel was invited to preach at a Pastors Conference in Mityana, Uganda. Daniel preached from Matthew 3:11 “I indeed baptize you with water unto repentance, but He who is coming after me is mightier than I, whose sandals I am not worthy to carry. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire.” He spoke about the fire of God and how we need to get hungry and desperate for God to touch us. He emphasized how important it is for God to do a work in us so that He can do a work through us. The pastors and leaders in the region were so hungry, almost the entire congregation came up to the altar for prayer and the Holy Spirit moved in power. God encountered and refreshed the leaders and pastors from Kityana and we know that they will never be the same again!
We experienced much favour in Uganda with many connections that God orchestrated during our time there. On the weekend, NBS TV invited Daniel to come for an interview as well as share a message to the viewers of NBS Mission 316. The anointing during the TV appearances was extremely powerful as Daniel got to share his testimony of how the ministry began, and how the Lord has been using him to reach the nations. He shared the simple Gospel message of Jesus Christ and also encouraged the viewers to give Jesus their everything. “Sometimes going into the whole world starts with ministering to your family, sharing Jesus with your friends. The Great Commission is our mandate to reach firstly those around us, and then go into the nations with the power of God.”
Follow us and subscribe to our YouTube channel to keep up to date with all our missions, Jesus Crusades, international tours, revival meetings, and much more. Thank you for all your support and prayers! We are so grateful for each and every one of you.
Partner your finances with God’s as we see the mighty harvest of souls come in for Jesus Christ in South Africa and Uganda during the following few months. |
In the following five newsletters we will update you as to what the Lord has done and what we have planned for the rest of the year.
Thank you for taking hands with us so that we can take the nations for Jesus.
We love you all,
Daniel & Bea
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