Jesus Crusade

Kakamega, Kenya
12 February 2021

Jesus Crusade

Kakamega, Kenya
12 February 2021


Kakamega, Kenya | 12 February 2021


This evening it started to pour so badly, but I carried on preaching! There wasn’t a large attendance (50-80 people), but when it started to rain almost everyone ran away! But I chose to continue as I preached from Romans 10:13.
I honestly didn’t know if it was the right time to make an altar call considering everyone was pretty much gone. But I did, and to my amazement 6 people came forward! It honestly was so special as I realized that even one soul would be worth it!!
Seeing those people come forward in the pouring rain to receive Jesus was priceless and I’ll never forget it!!! Thank you Jesus.

“As Daniel Du Toit ministered it started raining!” See below message from the pastor at the crusade.
“It’s now raining heavily out of no where. This are the first rains this year in this land. In  our language we call it a blessing when a visitor comes and it rains. So you are a blessing to the land.”

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