Kingdom Power – Devotional

Devotional – Kingdom Power Matthew 10 John the Baptist was a predecessor, a voice in the wilderness that had a burning message on his heart as he cried out “Prepare ye the way of the Lord”. The prophet Isaiah prophesied twice about this man that would come and be a voice to the nations. When […]

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Obedience – Devotional

Devotional – Obedience Acts 9:3-6 When God speaks, we need to choose to listen to His voice and choose to obey Him. God does not force anything on you, but His leadership is perfect and His motive behind instruction is always for your good (Jeremiah 29:11). That is why throughout the Bible we see God […]

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Guard your Heart – Devotional

Devotional – Guard your Heart Hebrews 3:7-10 “This is why the Holy Spirit says, “If only you would listen to his voice this day! Don’t make him angry by hardening your hearts, like your ancestors did during the days of their rebellion, when they were tested in the wilderness. There your fathers tested me and […]

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