The Harvest is ripe in America! Newsletter – 15 November 2021

The Harvest is ripe in America!
What an incredible time of refreshing!
FaithTV in Naples, Florida
Sunday Night Tent Revival in Atlanta, Georgia
World Harvest Church just bought a beautiful new tent for revival meetings and crusades, and I had the privilege to be the first person to speak in it. The tent was flooded with the youth of the church, and then many older adults came in to join the meeting. I spoke on ultimate surrender, and how the Lord doesn’t call us to say yes with just our words, but with our whole lives. I used the illustration from the book of Luke when the disciple wanted to follow Jesus, but he FIRST had other things to do. Jesus needs to be our FIRST LOVE, and when we seek FIRST HIS KINGDOM, everything else falls into place.
Mid-Week Missions Meeting
World harvest Church is a church that focuses on taking revival to the nations through missions. Because of this, they do anywhere from 40+ missions a year! So during my time there, they were celebrating “Mission Week” where they encourage and teach on why they are so focused on missions.
On Wednesday night, I really focused and preached on carrying the Love of God to the nations of the World. and when we love God, we will obey Him and GO! There was such a fresh commissioning that happened that night as the power of God fell on different people as they came to the altar to lay their lives down for the nations of the world! It was such a Holy Moment.
Watch Daniel du Toit share about carrying the Love of Jesus Christ. Share and subscribe to our YouTube Channel.
Missions Gala - Friday Night
I had the privilege of being able to attend the World Harvest Mission Gala that is a night for raising funds and creating awareness of what God is doing through World Harvest Church in the nations of the world! It was emotional to see the impact of what this amazing church is doing, and seeing the testimonies and videos of countless people touched! Pastor Mirek Hufton then invited me to the stage to come greet the people, and tell everyone what we are doing in Africa. I was then able to give a message to the people as I spoke on taking a stand for the Kingdom of God. It was absolutely amazing!
Soul Winning Saturday
On Saturday morning I was asked to come share my heart to a bunch of men and women that go out to the city of Atlanta to evangelise. I spoke on how we are carriers of His Kingdom everywhere we go, and how the Kingdom manifests through us! I also said how we have to see ourselves as seed sowers, as this is what we are called to do! We are called to love people, and give them the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Then through this we shall reap a harvest of souls for Christ! We saw 17 souls saved that morning, and countless people touched by the Presence of God!
The Fire of God fell!
Please watch the video below of the meeting and there’s a warning: If you are religious, rather don’t watch it.
On the Radio and Preaching in Kentucky!
I was invited to come speak for 2 days at Bethel Fellowship Church in Leitchfield, Kentucky. What a powerful time it was as I was able to spend a few hours on the Box 2 Radio Network that covers plenty of counties in the state. I was then able to speak on the Wednesday night where I spoke on radical devotion to Jesus Christ, and how we need to get back to loving Him above everything else! Many people came down to the altar to get right with God!
Follow us and subscribe to
our YouTube channel to keep up to date with all our missions, Jesus Crusades,
international tours, revival meetings, and much more. Thank you for all your
support and prayers! We are so grateful for each and every one of you.
We are busy with the planning for our next few Jesus Crusades coming up in 2022. We are living in such an exciting time where we can step into the harvest, partner with God, and see an amazing harvest of souls come in for Jesus Christ. We would like to give an opportunity for you to sow into this ministry. We truly believe that Take the Nations is excellent soil to sow into, and we know God is a God of multiplication, increase, abundance and return. If you feel led to sow into this mighty soul harvest, go to our website below. We bless you and every seed sown into this ministry.
The USA Tour 2021 was a very special time where we got to connect with so many wonderful men and women of God. It was an incredible time of fellowship and networking for us personally, as well as for the ministry. We experienced God pour out His Spirit upon us and on every place we went to minister. God is so faithful to show up and do what He has promised in His Word to do. We really believe that a lot of breakthrough is upon the ministry and we are ready to see God take us to another level as we obey His command to GO! Thank you for standing with us and believing God to do the impossible in our lives.
We love you all,
Daniel & Bea
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