Understanding The Gospel – Devotional

“He has a single relentless stance towards us: He loves us. He is the only God man has ever heard of who loves sinners” -Brennan Manning
I believe we as children of God need to understand one thing, and that is the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. To understand the Gospel you need to experience the person of Jesus Christ, because the Gospel is all about a person, and His name is Jesus. The best part is that when you experience the Person of Jesus, you will see that He is all about you. (“Taste and see that the LORD is good…” Psalms 34:8)
When Kathryn Kuhlman used to preach in her meetings, she used to go back to something very special, her born again experience. She would speak about how Jesus saved her and from that place she would minister out of her thankfulness to Christ. The Gospel is meant to be experienced, and we are meant to carry that experience into our daily lives.
When I’m sharing the Gospel to 1 person or even 100 people, I love telling them about my testimony of how Jesus Christ saved me (“They defeated the devil by the Blood of the Lamb, and by the Word of their testimony” Revelation 12:11). Your personal experience is powerful! I remember when I just got saved, I didn’t know much at all! But what I did know was that one night Jesus touched me, and that He loves people. This all came from experiencing Him, I went everywhere telling people this. When you experience the Gospel of Jesus you will never leave more complicated with more questions. Instead the message will be so simple!
All your questions will be answered in a single moment when you encounter Jesus Christ. What a personal Lord He is! I absolutely love the story of the woman at the well found in John 4:4-26. She had one moment with Jesus, yet she left with this experience of love and grace that made her go all around different towns telling people that she met a man that told her everything she did! It says in Luke 4:6-8 that Jesus was sitting on Jacobs well, and I believe it’s a picture of Jesus sitting and closing Jacobs well of our own lives too! As He sat on Jacobs well and closed that well of performance and striving for that Samaritan Woman, a well built by man. He has now closed that well once and for all in our own lives! Instead He has opened His well of life! This is not a man made experience! But His very life flowing through us, and this is like the Gospel. Its not man made, and its not just some “religious message”. It’s a real encounter with the living God, the Gospel shows us that God wants to encounter man.
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